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Actualités et articles

At EdCortex, we consistently and carefully monitor the latest research insights that bring valuable contributions to the thriving EdTech community. By actively observing and assessing these findings, we engage in thoughtful reflection to effectively harness and render them applicable to the industry.

Participez à une brève enquête sur l’apprentissage adaptatif

As part of our mission to help the transformation of the EdTech industry, at EdCortex, we are aimed at acquiring a clear picture on the use of Adaptive Learning methods among the EdTech enterprises.

To this end, as a member of this community, your participation in this brief survey is very much appreciated.

The UNESCO Assessment of Global Education

The International Science and Evidence Based Education (ISEE) Assessment

The UNESCO Assessment of Global Education

Does word flickering improve reading?

Despite marketing claims, recent experiments have shown flickering glasses have no significant effect on dyslexic children.

Does word flickering improve reading?

Active Learning

Active learning is an umbrella term referring to the various solutions concerning learner's active engagement in the learning process.

Active Learning

Rehearsal Rate

Optimizing memory consolidation by modulating the repeat intervals over time.

Rehearsal Rate

Curiosity Modulation

Optimizing engagement by maintaining the level of curiosity across the training time.

Curiosity Modulation

Error Rate

Optimizing the Engagement by Modulating the Error-Rate

Error Rate

Interleaved Testing

Optimizing the learning by modulation of the number of tests in between lessons.

Interleaved Testing
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